
Thank you for joining us on April 22!

On April 22, 2020, the 50th anniversary of the original Earth Day, thousands of San Diegans came together to celebrate earth day and demand climate justice. The coronavirus pandemic ended our plans for a massive rally and march, but cannot silence our collective voice!

Thank you to all the organizations, volunteers, speakers and sponsors who made this event possible.

Together we raised $3,905 for the San Diego Foundation’s Covid-19 relief fund. THANK YOU!

Watch the recording below (see timestamps for the different segments):


-1644Days -1Hours -29Minutes -21Seconds

Program Schedule

We’ll start at 12 pm with a Virtual Climate Rally (join at 11:45 am) with inspiring speakers, spoken word, and activities.

The afternoon will feature a variety of online workshops and activities for the whole family.

School-specific virtual strikes will take place ahead of the rally.

Details are on the event tab


To raise awareness for environmental issues; we challenge you to be creative in order to promote the importance of protecting our Earth. The requirements needed in order to make one eligible for this competition: must live in San Diego County and your piece must be related to the Earth in some aspect. Whichever way you choose to direct your creativity, make sure to have fun and show us your passion for the planet!

Submit your creative entry by April 17 for the tik tok challenge or April 19th for the art/writing challenge 

Prizes! Several winners will receive online gift cards of $10 & 25 

TikTok challenge (submit by April 18 @ noon): 

Join our movement for our Virtual Earth Day in a fun way by making a TikTok video. You can dance, be funny, sing a song, make some art, be creative! Direct Message us your video on instagram (@ClimateUprisingSD) or tag @sdclimatestrike on TikTok. Please use the # #climateuprisingsd and also the one that most suits your video. #funniest #mostlikelytogoviral #mostcreative #bestdancer 

Writing and arts challenge (submit April 19):

This challenge is open to all forms of literature or art. In order to enter please submit your work through this google form by April 19th. For the writing challenge it must be no longer than 400 words and they will also be posted on our blog with your permission. And as for the art challenge, make sure to show us your ingenuity by making original pieces, from homemade flags to paintings, and get creative! Let your imagination run free and have fun!


We’ll also include a game of Kahoot! in the main Virtual Climate Uprising session.

Virtual School Strikes

During the morning, on April 22, local schools and environmental clubs will host school-specific events.

In September, over 4,000 students in San Diego County walked out of school to demand climate action as part of the Global Climate Strike. View media and photos.

Check out this toolkit for tips and resources on organizing a successful virtual climate strike and fill out this form to list your event on this website or get support!